Pop Quiz

Back in early summer, Penny and Spud were here selling some of their stuff at my annual garage sale.   On that day, Spud and I started a little game.   The game goes like this… I ask him a question and no matter how hard the question is, he MUST give me an answer.   When this started, I asked him a question and  he simply said “I don’t know”.  Well, I didn’t let him get away with that  answer.   I explained to him that being able to think quick is a skill.     When he realized I wasn’t being weird and that he wasn’t going to be criticized for his answers he started having fun with our  game.    He was here this evening and we continued our game.


He sat in the yard this evening  and answered my questions while his mom took his picture.    Please click here to see more pictures of our fun evening. 

He had outstanding answers for some really tough questions.    Here’s some of the questions I asked him.   He had much to say with each answer, but I condensed his responses.

1.  I asked him what he thought is the most important quality in a friend?   He said something about his current friends and that trust was an important quality to him in a friend.

2.   I asked him what he wanted to be when he grows up.     He responded quickly.   He said “doctor”.  We talked about the different kinds of doctors and he decided he wanted to be a pediatrician.

3.   I asked him why he would like to be President of the United States.   I asked him why he would NOT want to be President.     He said that the President gets to make important laws and do many important things.     He said he would not want to be President because they don’t have very much free time.

4.   I asked him what he thinks about his mom’s vegetarian diet.     He said that eating too much meat can sometimes cause cancer and other diseases, but he jokingly said he thought he would die without meat.  Smile

5.  I asked him what would be the first thing he needed to do to survive if he were stranded on a deserted island.   He said he would make tools to defend himself from wild animals and he would find fruits.    Then we talked about the importance of finding fresh water.

6.   I asked him if he understood that this is an election year.   He started telling me about a video that his dad showed him the other day.   He knew who the candidates were and he knew who his parents will be voting for.   I was very impressed with his knowledge and interest on this subject. 

7.  I asked him which activity he liked to do most with his dad.   He told me that he doesn’t have a favorite activity.   He said he likes everything he does with his dad because he is spending time with his dad.   He was very serious and sincere with his answer.   His dad would’ve loved to hear his answer.  Smile

8.    I asked him if he had to eat one kind of food for the rest of his life what would it be.   I told him he could choose only one food.     He talked about how much he loves McDonald’s cheeseburgers and pepperoni pizza, but he decided on a casserole his mom made the other day with ground turkey, potatoes, eggs, and cheese. 

9.   I asked him about his favorite book.   He said he has many favorites, but I said he must pick only one.   He said the book he liked was called “ghost…. something” .   He said it was funny and scary.

10.   I asked him about his responsibilities of being a big brother.    He had much to say about his little brother who was running naked in the yard and digging in the mud at that very moment.   Let’s just say this…he understands that he has a big responsibility with a brother like Tater.


Spud and I also talked about the expanses of space.   We talked about the heat of the sun.     He talked to me about his friend at school and how he likes math.    We discussed proper ways to  handle disputes with his friends.    He’s quite the thinker.


Tater demands the attention of everyone around him.     Tater steals my attention very easily, so  I was glad for the time I got to spend with Spud today.   He’s such a good kid and he’s growing up way too fast. 

Here’s a message to Spud…

I am making a list of harder questions for you to answer next time.   Smile

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1 Response to Pop Quiz

  1. Lisa says:

    I LOVE that photograph of Tater and Spud, they will treasure this when they get older. So carefree.

    I like your pop quiz, it’s so great to hear the opinions of young ones 🙂 I’m sure you guys are so proud. Spud is very intelligent and interesting

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